Have you ever noticed how the simplest things are often the most special and impactful? We have all been uplifted by the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the changing leaves in the Fall, the warming effect of a child's laughter, the touch of our mate, and many other similar things. It is truly amazing to think that God created us with the capacity to receive pleasure and comfort from these types of things. It is clear that He intended for us to enjoy all of these in a special way that brings real satisfaction. this is an expression of God's love for us!
Likewise He created marriage to be a source of pleasure and comfort in a fallen world that is constantly seeking to drag us down. The challenge for us is to find ways to break away from the stresses of duty and responsibility in order to refresh ourselves. Contrary to popular belief, money and things do not bring the same satisfaction as the simple things God has wired us to enjoy.
Recently, I woke up in the middle of the night to find a comfortable position and in the process discovered that my wife was awake when I heard her voice softly thank me for something I had done for her recently. I was somewhat overwhelmed when I thought about the significance of this simple special event. While I was sleeping, she was thinking about me...giving thanks for something I had done for her. Her mind was filled with gratitude...for me. I was having some difficult times and this simple, heartfelt expression from her warmed me and brought me a real sense of comfort. This simple statement brought real comfort and reminded me that all that "stuff" out in the world that seeks to overpower us is really not that important after all.
This week, why not spend a few minutes focusing on what you appreciate about your mate and make sure to express it to him/her in the simplest terms possible. I'm sure you will find that your simple expression will have more power for good in your mate's life than you ever imagined! Our words really can pour life into others.
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