I recently read that the USA has the highest divorce rate in the world. Sri Lanka has the lowest if you're wondering. According to this report on divorce statistics in the US, 41% of all first marriages end in divorce, 60% of all second marriages end in divorce, and 73% of all third marriages end in divorce.
Regardless of your past, I hope you will do everything possible to make sure to keep your current relationship in tact and growing in love. The collapse of a marriage has very painful effects on both marriage partners, all children involved, in laws, extended family, friends, and church family.
If you are thinking of divorce, you should get a copy of our book and study the checklist of possible "after divorce" decisions that will have to be made. This is not a light decision and the outcome is never as painless as people think.
.........Love always perseveres.......... 1 Corinthians 13:7
Everything valuable and meaningful in life requires perseverance. No matter what goals you choose in life, you will have to persevere through difficulties, disappointments, doubts, delay, and many other trials to achieve your goals. This certainly is true of a successful marriage, which should be the foremost goal of any married person. I have attended and officiated many funerals and I can tell you that while a person's accomplishments may be mentioned, the thing that matters most is the depth of their relationships. We are remembered and missed more for the love we gave than for the things we did or things we bought.
The point for this week is that a key to a successful marriage is to stay engaged through the obstacles. Make a decision to refuse to ponder the idea of divorce as an escape hatch when the going gets tough. Remember that you and your mate need to help each other through tough times. Resolve not to make the tough times worse by turning on each other.
Be sure not to threaten or even think about divorce. Sometimes the best solution is the simplest thing. Stay put! Love never gives up!
For more ideas to help boost your marriage, order our book, I Still Do, A guide for the marriage journey.
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