The journey has been long and filled with varying challenges. But, by God's great hand we are here and we are moving forward in the process of getting this work off the ground! The praise truly belongs to God! I will be sharing tidbits of the journey in the weeks to come as we move forward!
So, this blog post is devoted mostly to providing information about this new church, Real Life Church, which will be located on the West Bank of New Orleans. I want to provide a clear description of what we are all about for any who have an interest in being involved either by attending and serving or by making prayer or financial contributions.
Real Life Church
Our Mission...
Development of a life changing
friendship with Jesus Christ
Joyful living through Biblical
Discovery of God’s unique life
mission for everyone
A lifestyle of gratitude, faith,
and worship
A legacy of healthy families
Development of meaningful,
uplifting friendships
Selfless living through serving
Our Vision…
We dream of touching thousands of
people with the Good News Of Jesus
We dream of seeing the hurting find
healing in Christ
We dream of seeing the whole
encouraged and challenged to help others
We dream of seeing the life
changing principles of the Bible bring joy to life
We dream of equipping many for
service according to God’s plan for them
We dream of seeing broken lives
healed and restored
We dream of seeing hurting families
healed and restored
We dream of experiencing the
amazing activity of the Holy Spirit
We dream of exalting Jesus Christ
in the West Bank and beyond
Our Core Values
Put Jesus’ agenda first
Honor God’s Word
Practice Prayer
Honor and respect others
Walk in real love
Overwhelm with hospitality, friendliness, and thoughtfulness
Honor and preserve unity
Work hard at the right things
Laugh together often
Encourage strength and stability in families
Grow as we walk in the Spirit
Our Declaration
We will have a heart of passion and devotion to Jesus
Christ. We will commit to grow in His values as we learn His word and
fellowship with His Spirit. We will have a generous heart of compassion for the
hurting. We will use all effective methods to share the good news of Jesus
Christ with as many as possible. We will stand together to encourage strong
marriages and healthy families. We will allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in
service according to our gifts and calling. We will cooperate with the Holy
Spirit as He leads us. We will offer God our best! We will pursue excellence in
all we do! We will esteem love, honor,
faith, and obedience!
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