Friday, August 19, 2011

Forsaking all others!

A few years ago, our nation was dragged into a public debate about the correctness of a married man, in this case, a national political figure, engaging in relational and sexual activity that allegedly stopped short of full intercourse with a woman who was not his wife. As the saga played out, the wife appeared to support her husband thus implying that this was acceptable to her. Folks all over the country began to ponder and debate this issue around water coolers and coffee pots throughout the land. Eventually, attention turned elsewhere and the political spotlight was trained on another issue. But this event had far reaching implications for our national moral compass which was already malfunctioning. Many of our citizens, including many teens and college age folks, came to the conclusion that certain sexual activities were permissible as long as they stopped short of full intercourse.In their minds, they had new experiences available to help them get close to the line without crossing it. This brought about a new level of promiscuity in our culture. These ideas even crept into the church community because either the church refused to join the debate in embarrassment or because the church failed to connect and make herself credible to her listeners.
This also ushered in a new wave of trouble for called harmless flirting of Christian married folks with people other than their mate. I once had a lengthy debate with a group of Christians about this matter and was very shocked. The consensus was that it was perfectly permissible for married folks to engage in flirting as long as they did not take it to a level of romantic relationship building. Several of the women and men even volunteered the names of the people in the church that they enjoy flirting with and gave examples of how they like to flirt and why. I could not believe my ears!
Flirting is a behavior that is intended to help two people of the opposite sex bond together in a romantic manner. It should be completely  reserved for single folks who are looking for a mate. It is after all part of that process. The only other arena of life where flirting is appropriate is the ongoing flirtation between a married couple as they seek to keep the spark and tenderness in their marriage.
Flirting outside of the marriage is an attempt to get the euphoria that comes by being noticed and admired by someone of the opposite sex without the relational responsibilities that are inherent in a committed relationship. It is a practice that demonstrates self - centeredness.
One of the cornerstones of Christian marriage is the concept of forsaking all others to cling exclusively to our mate through good and bad times.
Everyone has an emotional tank that needs to be filled, but God's plan is that husbands and wives would be sensitive to each other and exert the necessary effort to keep their mate's emotional tank full. Security in the marriage relationship is built on this sense of deliberate exclusivity by both parties. No one wants to be in a marriage with someone who is constantly seeking attention from strangers.
To make matter worse, the attention derived from flirting with others often turns one's heart cold toward their mate who may not appear as exciting and attentive. That is part of the deceptive downward cycle.
Of course, the ultimate danger from this game is that the person you are flirting with is on the prowl for a partner and hooks you and lures you into a full blown adulterous relationship that devastates your marriage partner and happens all the time. What started off as "harmless flirting" turns into something devastating.
As Christians, we should live free from flirtation with people outside our marriage. We should relate to others as brothers or sisters, not fountains of flirtation.
This week, put as much effort into flirting with your mate as you can muster...this is a good thing!

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