Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Children: A Sacred Trust

I have recently made several observations that have sparked this article. I was visiting a church Sunday and the young pastor made a joke that we have all heard versions of many times. In his message, he stated that sometimes when his small children are acting up he wondered if he was happy God gave them to him. I know he did not mean it and it was simply an attempt at humor, and most everyone found it really funny, but it hit my wife and I differently. You see, we always dreamed of and longed for children. We had complications with our first son’s birth and the doctors said we would never have any more. We truly began to understand Psalm 127:3-5, which states that children are a reward from God.
Before I go any further, let me explain something. In the Old Covenant, children were a symbol of God’s favor and the lack of children was associated with a curse or in the case of Sara, Hannah, and Elizabeth, who were childless until late in life, a framework or punctuation for a child with a special life mission, i.e. Issaac, Samuel and John the Baptist. However, in the New Covenant, all who have chosen to repent of their sins and place their faith in the sinless life, substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ have the favor of God.
Through the years, I struggled to find answers as I stood by my wife as she had 4 miscarriages and we wrestled with the overwhelming desire for more children. I wish I could say I always had strong faith for a miracle, but the truth is that my wife is the one who stood in steadfast faith for another child for 20 years. Finally, God gave us another child. Yes, there were complications, tests, and 39 days in the NICU. But, God defied the gloomy predictions of the medical experts and gave us a son who was perfectly formed in every way. Then, for his first birthday, God healed the holes in his heart, again astounding the doctors and glorifying Himself! I keep the letter that documents the healing in my Bible. When you have been through all that, you understand that children are truly a reward and a sacred trust from God! We thank God for our 2 sons and grandson every day!
I am inspired to write this because of a couple of other experiences. First, some in our government, Hillary Clinton to name one, are making speeches in which they are presenting the idea that children should not be considered to “belong” to their parents, but rather children “belong” to our community, society, nation, or government. Implying that the government knows what is best for our children and therefore should dictate how children should be raised. Presumably, this includes food preparation, discipline, education, moral training, clothing, and eventually every area of parenting. I assume this is a movement to replace parents by declaring them to be inadequate or inept.
Secondly, the breakdown of the family and the pursuit of “a better life” so often leads to children being left to fend for themselves. In many neighborhoods,  children come home to parentless homes and are on their own for hours. Fortunately, some neighborhoods have a "neighborhood Mom" who keeps an eye on them and often offers snacks to hungry children, administers first aid to cuts and bruises, breaks up fights, chaperones amorous teens, and much more.  However, too many children are simply free to do as they see fit until Mom or Dad returns from work. Many single parents work all day and then rush off to night school in an attempt to better their situation. This dedication is admirable. However, the multitudes of single parents living under this commitment are forced to devote all their time to work and study while little or nothing is left for their children during these important formative years. I applaud these single parents for their hard work in trying to make a trying situation better. However, it also makes me sad to realize that God’s plan for marriage and family, that has been so badly maligned by our modern culture, is being abandoned more every day. Our children are missing so much when parents are too busy for them!  God’s plan for family is the best!
No matter what your current situation, I want to reassure you that God has a wonderful plan to bless your family. If you are married, make every effort to protect and nurture your marriage. Don’t give up in the tough times that come to every couple. Married or single, remember that your children are a sacred gift from God. The pressures of life are constantly distracting us away from what really matters. Try to find a way to put your children in a place of great priority. They need you more than anything else! They need your love and reassurance. They need to have you as a good role model. They need for you to share the truth of Jesus Christ with them. They need you to set clear boundaries for them. They need to know that there are consequences for violating those boundaries. They need you to call out the good things God has placed in them. They need you to teach them basic life skills. They need you to protect them from the many dangers lurking in our world.
Children are a sacred trust from God. Don’t lose sight of these truths: children grow up fast, we only get one chance to prepare them for life as an adult, whoever influences them the most while they are young will shape their thinking and their personality that will greatly influence their adult life…shouldn’t that be you?, and memories of time well spent together are priceless and follow our children and grandchildren through life. God has a plan for you to propel your children forward by investing your time, love, and the wisdom of God from the Bible into them! 

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