My, how the times are changing! I suppose I could reminisce
on a wide variety of topics, but I am thinking specifically about the
educational system that we submit our children to every day. There is a growing
tide of animosity toward all things Christian in our land. It is my observation
that this tide is growing fastest in our school systems. If you think about it,
if a group wants to lead our nation away from Christian values, then the best
place to work is in the education of our children. Most parents trust the
school system and do very little checking up on what is taught. Have you read
any of your children’s textbooks or their test questions? My guess is the
answer is no or seldom. In our busy lives, it is so convenient to simply drop
our children off and believe that they will be properly educated. This is a
relief to us and frees up time for our many responsibilities. However, the
educational institution has changed dramatically over the past 25 years. In
many instances, Christian parents are finding out that their children are
adopting values that conflict with Christian beliefs. This discovery, which
often occurs in the teen years, is shocking, disturbing, and creates a lot of
tension and sadness in these families.
It is easy
to blame Hollywood, the music industry, and peer influence, which do carry a
share in this, but the real culprit is the daily dose of anti-Christian
teaching in the classroom. It comes in small doses with just enough logic to
make it go down without a fight. I graduated from a Christian school and
experienced this when I attended a public college. In my freshman biology
class, the professor stated that “some of you might have been exposed to a
theory of creationism, but the science community has concluded that this is
false and I won’t tolerate any discussion of it in this classroom. If you want
to pass this course, you will learn the tenants of evolution, the real source
of life, and be able to answer test questions correctly.” So, in a class of
about 100 students, only a handful of us stood up against this. We had attended
Christian schools and did not have years of preliminary conditioning toward
this view in high school. In the end, we made our argument, accepted his
ridicule, and learned the “correct answers” in order to pass the course. By the
way, learning the “correct answers” concerning the Big Bang theory and
evolution served to deepen my understanding of how ridiculous all of this is. I
find it incredibly interesting that they fail to tell students that at the end
of his life Charles Darwin recanted all of his theories and concluded that life
originated from a Creator.
I had a
friend from a communist country who was forced to send his children to the
state run school where they were taught the tenants of communism, humanism,
socialism, and atheism. When we were discussing the dangers of having children
indoctrinated in values that are in direct conflict with his family’s Christian
values he seemed remarkably calm. He assured me that he was not worried about
it. He explained that he and his wife take care to examine what is being taught
and explain to their children that this is wrong and then they explain the
Biblical view on the matter. They protect their children from deception by
knowing what is being said and explaining the truth. Of course, they have had
to train their children to know the truth, reject the lies, and do it all in
secret lest they all be arrested.
I know that
many can’t afford Christian school and many are not in a position to
homeschool. So my suggestion is that Christian parents take the time to do as
my friend does. Make it your business to know what is being taught and
carefully explain the truth to your children.
It is
appalling to know that most school systems are teaching that Christianity
oppresses women, that Christianity endorsed slavery, that Christianity
mistreated the Native Americans, that Christianity is bigoted because of its
claim to be the only true path to Heaven, and a host of other outrageous
claims. Many schools allow the reading and quoting of the Koran and the
writings of Buddhism while forbidding a Bible to be brought into the building.
Many schools encourage sex outside of marriage. Many schools encourage and
endorse homosexuality and transgenderism. Many schools are undermining the
concept of marriage while encouraging co-habitation. Many schools applaud
abortion without teaching the truths about these issues. Many schools are
undermining the Christian heritage and values our nation was founded upon while
disguising it as education. Do you want your children to adopt your values? Do
you know what they are being taught? My goal today is to encourage you to
protect your children from the deceptions intended to shipwreck their faith in
Are you feeling
a little overwhelmed? Well, I would like to suggest a good place to start. I
would encourage you to order a copy of Evidence
That Demands A Verdict, by Josh McDowell. This is a fantastic book that
outlines a huge number of evidences that prove that the Bible is a supernatural
book…the revelation of God to humanity. This is a great resource to have in
your home to help you explain to your children and their friends the
reliability of the Bible and why it is superior to other religious literature. After
all, the place to start is by creating a solid foundation of belief in God’s
Word that is unshakeable! How can it be our rule of life and conduct if we are
not sure of its authenticity!
As Christians,
our voice in the public arena might be challenged, but we owe it to our
children and grandchildren to pass the truth to them in a world that is
increasingly be destroyed by the deceptions of Darkness. Please make plans to
secure the faith of your family for generations to come!
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