Abortion: Political
Issue or Moral Issue?
Is it about women’s
health rights or something very different?
Like many,
I have wondered why such a large percentage of children raised in Christian
families and church leave their Christian values as they approach adulthood.
Some adopt lifestyles that conflict with the Christian values of their
families. Others live a lifestyle that reflects Christian values, but have
strong opinions that conflict with biblical values. I suppose there are many
contributing factors, but I believe there is one solution…parents(Psalm 78:5).
Our culture is bombarding our children with all sorts of evil ideas and the
only sure antidote is the strategic involvement of parents. Many parents rely
on church leaders to instill Christian values in their children, but with only
a few hours weekly, it is an overwhelming job. The best solution is for church
leaders and parents to work together. Our goal is to provide information to
help parents feel confident in engaging in conversation about these important
I am
starting with the issue of abortion. In our culture, the issue of abortion has
been highly politicized. Therefore, the message of the Bible has been overwhelmed
with false information by the so-called pro-choice proponents. So, what is the
biblical view concerning this hotly debated issue?
First of
all, the Bible makes it clear that life is a precious gift and should be
treated with respect and thanksgiving. When God created Adam and Eve, He
breathed His very own breath of life into the human bodies bringing them to
life. Life is part of the essence of God that is a great gift to humanity. It
is significant that the greatest source of sadness and dread among humans is
the loss of life. When God created Eve, He created her with the ability to bear
children. God makes it plain that sexual union and the ability to have children
is a great gift to humanity. Psalm
127:3-5 makes it clear that children are a blessing from God. As such, children
should be received with thanksgiving and raised with care and wisdom.
In Jeremiah
1:5, God reveals that He knew Jeremiah before birth. He also goes on to reveal
that He imparted gifts, talents, abilities, and spiritual gifting and calling
into Jeremiah before birth. This clearly illustrates that God has a plan for
each person from the time of their conception. This rules out the idea of
“accidental conception”. Many conceptions may be surprising to the parents, but
God has a plan for each one. John the Baptist leaped for joy while in his mother’s
womb when she came into the presence of Mary, who was pregnant with the
Messiah, Jesus(Luke 1:39-40). The life story of Moses, Samson, and Samuel
further illustrate this truth. These make it crystal clear that an unborn baby
is a human, filled with the seed form of all they will become, not something
less like “just tissue”. An unborn baby
is a human being that is known by God, who is filled with the DNA of its
parents, the gifts and talents selected and given by God, and has a future.
Furthermore, God makes it plain that children are a blessing given by Him to
parents, not a burden or inconvenience. Proverbs 6:17 makes it clear that God
hates those who shed innocent blood. What could be more innocent than unborn
My goal is not to heap guilt on those who have had
abortions. God is eager to provide forgiveness and healing to them. My goal is
to provide helpful information parents can use to help their children navigate
through the propaganda and find the truth concerning these crucial issues. Rather
than writing my own defense of life and presenting arguments against abortion, I
am including copies of various articles written by experts. These are very
informative and should be enormously helpful to parents as they arm themselves
to pass on biblical values. My prayer is that parents will take the time to
carefully read these and prepare themselves to impart age appropriate truth to
their children.
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