On February 18, 2011, the
U.S. House of Representa-
tives voted to end federal
funding of Planned Parent-
hood Federation of Amer-
ica (PPFA). The bill later
failed to pass the Senate, by
a margin of 42-58. Despite
its demise, this legislative
act reflected a monumental shift
in America’s attitude—a shift against the nation’s
largest abortion provider. Had the bill become law, it
would have had a significant impact upon the abor-
tion giant’s finances: PPFA receives roughly 46 per-
cent of its budget from federal and state grants and
Leading up to the House’s vote, a pro-life activist group released videotapes of an undercover sting. Video footage showed employees at a variety of Planned Parenthood clinics who were willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of minors, a federal crimi- nal offense.1 While the federal attempts to defund the abortion provider have stalled, state legislators and governors have withheld state dollars from Planned Parenthood. At the time of publication, as many as nine states had taken such action.
Yet to many Americans, the PPFA is a benign or even benevolent healthcare agency advocating for pa- tient “reproductive rights.” Others know that Planned Parenthood is connected with abortions, but do not know the extent of that involvement. Some even un- derstand Planned Parenthood’s devasting effects on communities, but have no idea how effectively to op- pose and defund the local chapters.
Planned Parenthood claims that it does “more than any other organization in America to prevent un- planned pregnancies and protect women’s health and safety.”2 The organization’s literature primar- ily discusses family planning, sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, and sex education. But while the organization attempts to avoid being the “face” of abortion in America, two realities remain: Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider and abortion is a mainstay of Planned Parenthood’s business.
Leading up to the House’s vote, a pro-life activist group released videotapes of an undercover sting. Video footage showed employees at a variety of Planned Parenthood clinics who were willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of minors, a federal crimi- nal offense.1 While the federal attempts to defund the abortion provider have stalled, state legislators and governors have withheld state dollars from Planned Parenthood. At the time of publication, as many as nine states had taken such action.
Yet to many Americans, the PPFA is a benign or even benevolent healthcare agency advocating for pa- tient “reproductive rights.” Others know that Planned Parenthood is connected with abortions, but do not know the extent of that involvement. Some even un- derstand Planned Parenthood’s devasting effects on communities, but have no idea how effectively to op- pose and defund the local chapters.
Planned Parenthood claims that it does “more than any other organization in America to prevent un- planned pregnancies and protect women’s health and safety.”2 The organization’s literature primar- ily discusses family planning, sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, and sex education. But while the organization attempts to avoid being the “face” of abortion in America, two realities remain: Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider and abortion is a mainstay of Planned Parenthood’s business.
This pamphlet will provide factual information about
Planned Parenthood, detail its negative impact on
women’s health, and offer steps that concerned citi-
zens can take to withhold taxpayer funding. Much
of the information in this pamphlet is taken directly
from Planned Parenthood’s annual reports and fact
sheets and is cited accordingly.
The Early Days: Margaret Sanger,
Eugenics, and the “Negro Project”
Any successful organization begins with a good mis- sion statement. Over time, a mission statement may evolve, but its roots and original goals will often re- main the foundation upon which it strategizes, grows and flourishes.
Planned Parenthood opened its doors as a direct and intentional project of the eugenics movement. The movement’s ultimate goal: the elimination of certain groups of “unfit” or “feebleminded” people.
The Early Days: Margaret Sanger,
Eugenics, and the “Negro Project”
Any successful organization begins with a good mis- sion statement. Over time, a mission statement may evolve, but its roots and original goals will often re- main the foundation upon which it strategizes, grows and flourishes.
Planned Parenthood opened its doors as a direct and intentional project of the eugenics movement. The movement’s ultimate goal: the elimination of certain groups of “unfit” or “feebleminded” people.
America’s Abortion Provider:
What Everyone Should Know About
Planned Parenthood*
by jeanne monahan
by jeanne monahan
According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, eu-
genics is defined as,
the selection of desired heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations, typi- cally in reference to humans. The term eugen- ics was coined in 1883 by the British explorer and natural scientist Francis Galton, who, in- fluenced by Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection, advocated a system that would allow “the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable.” Social Darwinism, the popular theory in the late 19th century that life for hu- mans in society was ruled by “survival of the fit- test,” helped advance eugenics into serious sci- entific study in the early 1900s. By World War I, many scientific authorities and political lead- ers supported eugenics. However, it ultimately failed as a science in the 1930s and ’40s, when the assumptions of eugenicists became heavily criticized and the Nazis used eugenics to sup- port the extermination of entire races.3
the selection of desired heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations, typi- cally in reference to humans. The term eugen- ics was coined in 1883 by the British explorer and natural scientist Francis Galton, who, in- fluenced by Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection, advocated a system that would allow “the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable.” Social Darwinism, the popular theory in the late 19th century that life for hu- mans in society was ruled by “survival of the fit- test,” helped advance eugenics into serious sci- entific study in the early 1900s. By World War I, many scientific authorities and political lead- ers supported eugenics. However, it ultimately failed as a science in the 1930s and ’40s, when the assumptions of eugenicists became heavily criticized and the Nazis used eugenics to sup- port the extermination of entire races.3
*Note: This revised pamphlet was previously published under the title,
“Planned Parenthood What Every Parent, Teacher, Woman, Commu-
nity Leader and Elected Official Needs to Know.”
The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret
Sanger, wrote in 1921,
As an advocate of Birth Control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the ‘unfit’ and the ‘fit,’ admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. In this matter, the example of the infe- rior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation to the men- tally and physically fit though less fertile parents of the educated and well-to-do classes. On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the men- tally and physically defective.4
Margaret Sanger was born in 1879 in New York and was raised in a large, Catholic family; Margaret, her- self, was number six out of eleven children. Perhaps as a response to her upbringing, Sanger developed strong ideas about family size and in 1916 opened the first family planning clinic in the United States in Brooklyn, New York. She went on to found the American Birth Control League (ABCL), in 1921. The ABCL changed its name to Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.
A number of founding directors of the ABCL active- ly advanced the eugenics movement. Such eugenicists included, but were not limited to, Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, Lothrop Stoddard, and Dr. Harry Laugh- lin.5 Dr. Stoddard authored a book titled Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. The Birth Control Review was the monthly magazine of the American Birth Control League. Many articles published in the Review promoted and defended eugenics. Titles in- cluded the following: “Some Moral Aspects of Eu- genics,” published in June, 1920; “The Eugenic Con- science,” published in February, 1921; “The purpose of Eugenics,” published in December, 1924, “Birth Control and Positive Eugenics,” published in July, 1925, “Birth Control: The True Eugenics,” published in August of 1928. This list is not exhaustive.6
The American Birth Control League worked in an intentional and systematic manner to reduce the black American population by establishing the “Ne- gro Project.” Margaret Sanger enlisted black leaders in her endeavor by convincing them that birth control was in the African-American community’s best in- terests. However, her real agenda remained. As she once said, “We do not want the word to go out that
As an advocate of Birth Control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the ‘unfit’ and the ‘fit,’ admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. In this matter, the example of the infe- rior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation to the men- tally and physically fit though less fertile parents of the educated and well-to-do classes. On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the men- tally and physically defective.4
Margaret Sanger was born in 1879 in New York and was raised in a large, Catholic family; Margaret, her- self, was number six out of eleven children. Perhaps as a response to her upbringing, Sanger developed strong ideas about family size and in 1916 opened the first family planning clinic in the United States in Brooklyn, New York. She went on to found the American Birth Control League (ABCL), in 1921. The ABCL changed its name to Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.
A number of founding directors of the ABCL active- ly advanced the eugenics movement. Such eugenicists included, but were not limited to, Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, Lothrop Stoddard, and Dr. Harry Laugh- lin.5 Dr. Stoddard authored a book titled Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. The Birth Control Review was the monthly magazine of the American Birth Control League. Many articles published in the Review promoted and defended eugenics. Titles in- cluded the following: “Some Moral Aspects of Eu- genics,” published in June, 1920; “The Eugenic Con- science,” published in February, 1921; “The purpose of Eugenics,” published in December, 1924, “Birth Control and Positive Eugenics,” published in July, 1925, “Birth Control: The True Eugenics,” published in August of 1928. This list is not exhaustive.6
The American Birth Control League worked in an intentional and systematic manner to reduce the black American population by establishing the “Ne- gro Project.” Margaret Sanger enlisted black leaders in her endeavor by convincing them that birth control was in the African-American community’s best in- terests. However, her real agenda remained. As she once said, “We do not want the word to go out that
we want to exterminate the Negro population, and
the minister is the man who can straighten that idea
out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious
This quote is just one example of Sanger’s vocal affin- ity for eugenics. But Planned Parenthood’s eugenic mission did not end with its founder. Dr. Alan Gutt- macher served both as vice president of the American Eugenics Society and president of PPFA for twelve years, from 1962-1974. In addition, “the first office of the IPPF in London was given free of charge by the Eugenics Education Society, the foremost eugenics group in England.”8 An unsuccessful merger between the ABCL and the American Eugenics Society was attempted in 1933.9
Planned Parenthood has distanced itself from its eu- genics roots,10 and a search for the word “eugenics” on its website provides little information about the group’s early days and goals. While its current leader- ship does not openly embrace the noxious views of its founder, the eugenic heart of Planned Parenthood still beats.
Today, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider. According to the Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention (CDC), by far, black Americans are the ethnic group having the greatest number of abortions. They composed only 12.6 per- cent of the population in the 2010 census11, but a stag- gering 42% of total abortions in the U.S. for 2008, the latest year in which CDC abortion data were avail- able.12 The Radiance Foundation in Atlanta, Geor- gia in early 2010 began a media campaign, “Black Americans are an endangered species,” to drive home the radical and shocking reality—almost half of black children are aborted in the United States.13
With this information, it is no surprise that pro-life activist Lila Rose, founder of Live Action, organized young people to call and visit Planned Parenthood clinics to research racial abortions. Through a series of undercover videos, Live Action exposed Planned Parenthood clinics willing to earmark abortion money according to race. Rose described a phone call placed to Planned Parenthood by one of her team members.
He then asked to donate money specifically for the abortions of African-American babies in order to “lower the number of blacks in America.” Despite his requests, no Planned Parenthood employee (or director of development, in one case) declined the donation. Some even asked to speak with other employees to get permission. In the first day of call- ing seven clinics, not a single Planned Parenthood
This quote is just one example of Sanger’s vocal affin- ity for eugenics. But Planned Parenthood’s eugenic mission did not end with its founder. Dr. Alan Gutt- macher served both as vice president of the American Eugenics Society and president of PPFA for twelve years, from 1962-1974. In addition, “the first office of the IPPF in London was given free of charge by the Eugenics Education Society, the foremost eugenics group in England.”8 An unsuccessful merger between the ABCL and the American Eugenics Society was attempted in 1933.9
Planned Parenthood has distanced itself from its eu- genics roots,10 and a search for the word “eugenics” on its website provides little information about the group’s early days and goals. While its current leader- ship does not openly embrace the noxious views of its founder, the eugenic heart of Planned Parenthood still beats.
Today, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider. According to the Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention (CDC), by far, black Americans are the ethnic group having the greatest number of abortions. They composed only 12.6 per- cent of the population in the 2010 census11, but a stag- gering 42% of total abortions in the U.S. for 2008, the latest year in which CDC abortion data were avail- able.12 The Radiance Foundation in Atlanta, Geor- gia in early 2010 began a media campaign, “Black Americans are an endangered species,” to drive home the radical and shocking reality—almost half of black children are aborted in the United States.13
With this information, it is no surprise that pro-life activist Lila Rose, founder of Live Action, organized young people to call and visit Planned Parenthood clinics to research racial abortions. Through a series of undercover videos, Live Action exposed Planned Parenthood clinics willing to earmark abortion money according to race. Rose described a phone call placed to Planned Parenthood by one of her team members.
He then asked to donate money specifically for the abortions of African-American babies in order to “lower the number of blacks in America.” Despite his requests, no Planned Parenthood employee (or director of development, in one case) declined the donation. Some even asked to speak with other employees to get permission. In the first day of call- ing seven clinics, not a single Planned Parenthood
representative expressed outrage or concern at the
racism behind donations specifically “to reduce the
number of blacks.” In fact, some even went as far
as agreeing with the anti-black agenda.14
The Nation’s Abortion Giant
Abortion kills over one million American children every year and Planned Parenthood, as the abortion industry leader, is abortion’s greatest promoter and advocate.
According to its latest report, in 2010 Planned Par- enthood Federation of America performed 329,445 abortions.15 In 2009, the number of abortions was 332,278 and in 2008 the number was 324,008. The Guttmacher Institute (originally founded to be the research arm of Planned Parenthood but later be- coming an independent body) reports that the total number of abortions in the United States in 2008 was 1,210,000.16 Therefore in 2008, PPFA provided approximately 27 percent of abortions in the United States.
Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, over 54,000,000 children have died from abortion in the United States. 17 To put this number in context, this is more than twice the population of Texas in 2011,18and is approximately 87 times the population of the District of Columbia in 2011.19 Al- most every year has seen an increase in the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood, even as the nation’s abortion rate is decreasing. 20
Abortion: A Lucrative Business
In the fall of 2009, Abby Johnson had a change of heart. Johnson had worked for Planned Parenthood of Bryan, Texas for ten years, including two years as director of the clinic. One day she watched an abor- tion on a sonogram. After seeing the young child go through the violent procedure, she knew she could no longer align herself with this organization that pro- moted destruction of the unborn.
Since leaving Planned Parenthood, Johnson has told her story in numerous media interviews. In Novem- ber 2009, Johnson admitted that her supervisors at Planned Parenthood encouraged her to aggressively advocate for abortions. That was where the money was to be made. In her words, “Every meeting that we had was, ‘We don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough money — we’ve got to keep these abor- tions coming.’”21 Johnson continued, “Definitely the most lucrative part of their business was abortions...
The Nation’s Abortion Giant
Abortion kills over one million American children every year and Planned Parenthood, as the abortion industry leader, is abortion’s greatest promoter and advocate.
According to its latest report, in 2010 Planned Par- enthood Federation of America performed 329,445 abortions.15 In 2009, the number of abortions was 332,278 and in 2008 the number was 324,008. The Guttmacher Institute (originally founded to be the research arm of Planned Parenthood but later be- coming an independent body) reports that the total number of abortions in the United States in 2008 was 1,210,000.16 Therefore in 2008, PPFA provided approximately 27 percent of abortions in the United States.
Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, over 54,000,000 children have died from abortion in the United States. 17 To put this number in context, this is more than twice the population of Texas in 2011,18and is approximately 87 times the population of the District of Columbia in 2011.19 Al- most every year has seen an increase in the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood, even as the nation’s abortion rate is decreasing. 20
Abortion: A Lucrative Business
In the fall of 2009, Abby Johnson had a change of heart. Johnson had worked for Planned Parenthood of Bryan, Texas for ten years, including two years as director of the clinic. One day she watched an abor- tion on a sonogram. After seeing the young child go through the violent procedure, she knew she could no longer align herself with this organization that pro- moted destruction of the unborn.
Since leaving Planned Parenthood, Johnson has told her story in numerous media interviews. In Novem- ber 2009, Johnson admitted that her supervisors at Planned Parenthood encouraged her to aggressively advocate for abortions. That was where the money was to be made. In her words, “Every meeting that we had was, ‘We don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough money — we’ve got to keep these abor- tions coming.’”21 Johnson continued, “Definitely the most lucrative part of their business was abortions...
One of the things that kept coming up was how fam-
ily planning services were really dragging down the
budget, and family planning services include educa-
tion about contraceptives. It was a drain on the bud-
get, but abortion services were really running up the
budget and that was keeping the center afloat.”22 In
another interview, Johnson said, “The money wasn’t
in family planning, the money wasn’t in prevention,
the money was in abortion and so I had a problem
with that.”23
According to estimates, a first trimester non-subsi- dized abortion costs approximately $550. As reported in their 2010 annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 329,445 abortions, yielding approximately $181,000,000 in revenue—solely from abortions per- formed that year. In contrast, Planned Parenthood made 841 adoption referrals in 2010.
While PPFA holds non-profit status, it continues to pull in a sizeable profit each year. In the annual report for fiscal year 2010, the organization claimed an ex- cess of revenue over expenses of 18.5 million dollars.24 In fiscal year 2009, the organization claimed an ex- cess of revenue over expenses of $63 million25; in fiscal year 2008, PPFA’s excess of revenue over expenses was $85 million.26
Government Funding
In addition to the financially profitable practice of performing abortions, PPFA’s 2010 annual report indicates that it received approximately 46 percent of its income from federal, state and local govern- ment grants and contracts.27 In other words, taxpayer dollars fund nearly half of PPFA’s budget. In 2010, $487,400,000 was paid to PPFA by the government.28 Another $233,800,000 of PPFA’s budget came from contributions and gifts.29
In any given year, PPFA receives taxpayer funds via the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- vices (HHS). While funds flow through a variety of streams, “Title X” family planning services serve as the primary source. An interesting and informative website that tracks HHS grant and contract recipi- ents in the current funding year is: www.hhs.gov/opa/ title-x-family-planning/.
While the federal government does not pay directly for elective abortions performed by PPFA, it appears to subsidize PPFA’s least lucrative component, family planning. By funding non-abortion services, the fed- eral government essentially allows Planned Parent- hood to cover overhead and other expenses, as it pur- sues a more lucrative and lethal business—abortions.
According to estimates, a first trimester non-subsi- dized abortion costs approximately $550. As reported in their 2010 annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 329,445 abortions, yielding approximately $181,000,000 in revenue—solely from abortions per- formed that year. In contrast, Planned Parenthood made 841 adoption referrals in 2010.
While PPFA holds non-profit status, it continues to pull in a sizeable profit each year. In the annual report for fiscal year 2010, the organization claimed an ex- cess of revenue over expenses of 18.5 million dollars.24 In fiscal year 2009, the organization claimed an ex- cess of revenue over expenses of $63 million25; in fiscal year 2008, PPFA’s excess of revenue over expenses was $85 million.26
Government Funding
In addition to the financially profitable practice of performing abortions, PPFA’s 2010 annual report indicates that it received approximately 46 percent of its income from federal, state and local govern- ment grants and contracts.27 In other words, taxpayer dollars fund nearly half of PPFA’s budget. In 2010, $487,400,000 was paid to PPFA by the government.28 Another $233,800,000 of PPFA’s budget came from contributions and gifts.29
In any given year, PPFA receives taxpayer funds via the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- vices (HHS). While funds flow through a variety of streams, “Title X” family planning services serve as the primary source. An interesting and informative website that tracks HHS grant and contract recipi- ents in the current funding year is: www.hhs.gov/opa/ title-x-family-planning/.
While the federal government does not pay directly for elective abortions performed by PPFA, it appears to subsidize PPFA’s least lucrative component, family planning. By funding non-abortion services, the fed- eral government essentially allows Planned Parent- hood to cover overhead and other expenses, as it pur- sues a more lucrative and lethal business—abortions.
Relationship Between Government
Funding and Abortion
two plotted patterns are seen to be almost identical
or “perfectly co-varying.” In other words, every data
point indicating a greater increase in funding cor-
responds to a similar change/ further increase in the
number of abortions, in the following year. Every
or “perfectly co-varying.” In other words, every data
point indicating a greater increase in funding cor-
responds to a similar change/ further increase in the
number of abortions, in the following year. Every
Chart 1
$400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000
$400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000
PPFA Government Funding and
Number of Abortions
data point indicating a slow-down in the increase in
and Human Services (HHS) from paying directly for
”General Purpose” Tax Dollars’ Effects on Planned
”General Purpose” Tax Dollars’ Effects on Planned
in 1994 to 329,445 in 2010.
25000 Next Year Abortions Gov’t Funding
Gov’t $ Thousands
Abortions Gov’t Funding
an abortion unless the pregnancy is the result of a rape
or incest or the life of the mother is at stake. Howev-
er, it appears that taxpayer dollars provided to the na-
er, it appears that taxpayer dollars provided to the na-
Parenthood Abortions
Gov’t Funding
Gov’t Funding
$50,000,000 200,000
$50,000,000 200,000
25000 $40,000,000
abo20r0t0i0ons performed indicates a very close correlation,
We have included several charts to elucidate the re-
30000 $50,000,000
or even causation, between the receipt of f$e4d0,0e0r0a,0l00and
or even causation, between the receipt of f$e4d0,0e0r0a,0l00and
lationship between government funding and PPFA’s
25000 $10,000,000
15000 $10,000,000
20000 $30,000,000
20000 $30,000,000
abortion rates. Chart 1 (see above) reveals the obvious
close c5o0r0r0elation between PPFA government funding -$10,000,000
close c5o0r0r0elation between PPFA government funding -$10,000,000
the15o0p00erating model of Planned Parenthood is such
0 -$210,000,000
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007
2005 2007 $0 30
gene5r00a0l funding support of the federal government.
apparent correlation is due to both funding and abor-
tions increasing year over year, which does not neces-
sarily show causation.
0 -$20,000,000
”General Purpose” Tax Dollars’ Effects on Planned Parenthood Abortions
”General Purpose” Tax Dollars’ Effects on Planned Parenthood Abortions
Chart 2 (see opposite) shows a more sensitive analysis
of the relationship between changes in abortion fund-
ing and the number of abortions performed annu-
ally. Though the plotted lines have similar patterns,
one can see that the orange line (representing annual
change in number of abortions) lags slightly behind
the blue line (representing change in amount of gov-
ernment funding per year). When an analysis is per-
formed on the relationship between the present year’s
change in funding amount and the following year’s
change in the number of abortions (see Chart 3), the
Next Year Abortions
Gov’t Funding
2006 2008
2006 2008
PPFA Government Funding and
Number of Abortions
state dollars and PPFA abortion activities. $I0n the end,
5000 -$120,000,000
funding corresponds to a similar slow-down in the
$400,000 350,000
increase in the number of abortions the following
$350,000 300,000
year. The onGlyove’tx$cTheopustainodns to this near-perfect rule is in
year. The onGlyove’tx$cTheopustainodns to this near-perfect rule is in
th$2e50,y00e0ars 2007-2008, where, as seen in Chart 2, the
th$2e50,y00e0ars 2007-2008, where, as seen in Chart 2, the
increase in the number of abortions performed by
1994 1996
1998 2000
2002 2004
$50,000 50,000
ling for inflation and population growth.
ling for inflation and population growth.
The Hyde Amendment, in place since 1976, is a leg-
islative p”rGoevniesriaol Pnurtphoaste”bTarxsDtohllaersD’ Eeffpecatrstomn ePnlatnnoefdHealth
$350,000 30000 $50,000,000 $300,000
$350,000 30000 $50,000,000 $300,000
Parenthood Abortions
present year’s funding increase tracks with that year’s
PPFA. The analysis does not change when done on
a constant-dollar, per-capita basis, i.e. when control-
Chart 2
PPFA Government Funding and
Number of Abortions
1994 1996 1998
2000 2002
2004 2006
$40,000,000 $250,000
Gov’t $ Thousands
94 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 200
tion’s1l5a00r0gest abortion provider, while technically kept
$10,000,000 20000
$10,000,000 20000
separate from abortion funding, ultimately contribute $100,000
10000 $0 15000
to PPFA’s abortion business.
$10,000,000 50,000
$0 0
0 -$20,000,000 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007
”General Purpose” Tax Dollars’ Effects on Planned
$10,000,000 50,000
$0 0
0 -$20,000,000 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007
”General Purpose” Tax Dollars’ Effects on Planned
-$10,000,000 $50,000
state and government funding. In 1994, the group
received approximately $163 million in state and
federal tax dollars. By 2010, government funding for
received approximately $163 million in state and
federal tax dollars. By 2010, government funding for
PPFA h”aGdenearlaml Pousrptoster”ipTalexdDotlloars$’ E4ff8e7ctsmonilPlliaonn.edDuring
Parenthood Abortions
Parenthood Abortions
this same period of time the number of abortions per-
As we have seen, analyzing the relationship between
Next Year Abortions Gov’t Funding
the annual change in state and federal dollars received
formed annually by the group increased from 133,289
30000 Parenthood Abortions $50,000,000
by PPFA and the annual change in the $n40u,0m00,b00e0r of
by PPFA and the annual change in the $n40u,0m00,b00e0r of
30000 $50,000,000
$20,000,000 25000
-$20,000,000 $
Abortions Gov’t Funding
”General Purpose” Tax Dollars’ Effects on Planned
that100i0t0s abortion activities require the overhead and
1995 1997 1999
2001 2003
Chart13995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007
1995 1997
1995 1997
Annual Increase
in Abortions Performed
in Abortions Performed
Annual Increase
Annual Increase
State and Federal Funding of
Annual InPcPreFaAse(in millions)
State and Federal Funding of
PPFA (in millions)
Annual Increases in
Gov’t Funding
Annual Increases in
Annual Increases in
Gov’t Funding
Annual Increase
in Abortions Performed
in Abortions Performed
Annual Increase
in Abortions Performed
in Abortions Performed
State and Federal Funding of
PPFA (in millions)
Annual Increases in
Gov’t Funding
Annual Increases in
Gov’t Funding
in Abortions Performed
in Abortions Performed
in Abortions Performed
Annual Increases in
Gov’t Funding
Gov’t Funding
Gov’t Funding
Abortions Perfomed by PPFA
Abortions Perfomed by PPFA
Abortions Perfomed by PPFA
Waste, Abuse, and Potential Fraud
In February 2012, Alliance Defending Freedom (for- merly the Alliance Defense Fund) published a re- port compiling federal and state audits of a variety of Planned Parenthood affiliates from 1995-2009. All audits are public. Federal audits were conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- vices Office of Inspector General. State audits were conducted by the appropriate inspector general office or the state health agency; for example, in New York the audit was conducted by New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General. In total, the audits revealed that a small number of Planned Parenthood affiliates were responsible for over 95 million dollars in waste, abuse, and potential fraud. Clinics misused government funding in a variety of ways. Examples included the following practices: over-billing for fam- ily planning, dispensing prescriptions without autho- rization from the appropriate medical practitioner, billing for unallowable costs (e.g. multiple post-natal visits when only one may be billable), and billing in- correct rate codes. This list is not exhaustive. Addi- tionally, at the time of publication, four Planned Par- enthood affiliates (two in Texas, one in Iowa and one in California) were involved in whistleblower lawsuits brought to the fore by former Planned Parenthood employees. To view the full ADF report, visit www. adfmedia.org/files/StearnsReport.pdf.
Failure to Report Statutory Rape and
Sex Abuse
A Planned Parenthood clinic in Ohio resolved a four- year law suit in April 2011 that involved issues sur- rounding statutory rape and parental consent laws. The case involved a 14-year-old girl who was impreg- nated by her soccer coach and then forced, by him, to abort the baby.31
In another disturbing legal case, Fairbanks v. Planned Parenthood, a 16-year-old teenage girl informed Planned Parenthood workers that she was impreg- nated by her father who, she said, was sexually mo- lesting her. Planned Parenthood did not report the sexual abuse to authorities. It was not until a full year later when the young woman’s basketball coach filed a police report, that the sex-offending father was con- victed and incarcerated.32
Live Action also has documented evidence suggesting Planned Parenthood’s failure to report statutory rape in at least eight of its affiliated clinics. Video footage highlighted incidents in several states, including Cali-
In February 2012, Alliance Defending Freedom (for- merly the Alliance Defense Fund) published a re- port compiling federal and state audits of a variety of Planned Parenthood affiliates from 1995-2009. All audits are public. Federal audits were conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- vices Office of Inspector General. State audits were conducted by the appropriate inspector general office or the state health agency; for example, in New York the audit was conducted by New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General. In total, the audits revealed that a small number of Planned Parenthood affiliates were responsible for over 95 million dollars in waste, abuse, and potential fraud. Clinics misused government funding in a variety of ways. Examples included the following practices: over-billing for fam- ily planning, dispensing prescriptions without autho- rization from the appropriate medical practitioner, billing for unallowable costs (e.g. multiple post-natal visits when only one may be billable), and billing in- correct rate codes. This list is not exhaustive. Addi- tionally, at the time of publication, four Planned Par- enthood affiliates (two in Texas, one in Iowa and one in California) were involved in whistleblower lawsuits brought to the fore by former Planned Parenthood employees. To view the full ADF report, visit www. adfmedia.org/files/StearnsReport.pdf.
Failure to Report Statutory Rape and
Sex Abuse
A Planned Parenthood clinic in Ohio resolved a four- year law suit in April 2011 that involved issues sur- rounding statutory rape and parental consent laws. The case involved a 14-year-old girl who was impreg- nated by her soccer coach and then forced, by him, to abort the baby.31
In another disturbing legal case, Fairbanks v. Planned Parenthood, a 16-year-old teenage girl informed Planned Parenthood workers that she was impreg- nated by her father who, she said, was sexually mo- lesting her. Planned Parenthood did not report the sexual abuse to authorities. It was not until a full year later when the young woman’s basketball coach filed a police report, that the sex-offending father was con- victed and incarcerated.32
Live Action also has documented evidence suggesting Planned Parenthood’s failure to report statutory rape in at least eight of its affiliated clinics. Video footage highlighted incidents in several states, including Cali-
fornia, Arizona, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Indiana, and
Alabama.33 As a result of Rose’s “sting” operations,
one employee in Bloomington, Indiana was fired;
another employee in Indianapolis, Indiana resigned;
and the Planned Parenthood clinic in Birmingham
was placed on probation by the state of Alabama.
In addition to probable violations of statutory rape reporting laws, Planned Parenthood has been accused of failure to follow parental consent laws and failure to provide medically accurate information.34
Aiding and Abetting Sex Trafficking of
In February 2011, Live Action released seven damag- ing undercover “sting” videos revealing that Planned Parenthood affiliates were willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of minors. The videos included an ac- tor “pimp” with two young women posing as prosti- tutes inquiring about abortion. In only one of the sev- en videos was there evidence to suggest that Planned Parenthood contacted appropriate law enforcement. Undercover “sting” operations were carried out in New Jersey, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and New York.35
To be clear, sex trafficking of minors is a federal crime with serious consequences. According to the Traf- ficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), any child under the age of 18 involved in prostitution is, by definition, a victim of sex trafficking. The TVPA defines “severe forms of human trafficking” as:
The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provi- sion, or obtaining of a person for sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Coercion includes threats of physical or psychological harm to children and/or their fami- lies. Any child (under the age of 18) engaged in commercial sex is a victim of trafficking.
For more information on U.S. trafficking laws, please visit: www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/orr/programs/anti- trafficking-in-persons.
In one of Live Action’s February 2011 “stings,” a clinic manager of the Planned Parenthood in Perth Amboy, New Jersey suggested to the actor “pimp” that the girls who were 14 or younger could lie about their ages to avoid mandatory reporting laws. She
In addition to probable violations of statutory rape reporting laws, Planned Parenthood has been accused of failure to follow parental consent laws and failure to provide medically accurate information.34
Aiding and Abetting Sex Trafficking of
In February 2011, Live Action released seven damag- ing undercover “sting” videos revealing that Planned Parenthood affiliates were willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of minors. The videos included an ac- tor “pimp” with two young women posing as prosti- tutes inquiring about abortion. In only one of the sev- en videos was there evidence to suggest that Planned Parenthood contacted appropriate law enforcement. Undercover “sting” operations were carried out in New Jersey, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and New York.35
To be clear, sex trafficking of minors is a federal crime with serious consequences. According to the Traf- ficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), any child under the age of 18 involved in prostitution is, by definition, a victim of sex trafficking. The TVPA defines “severe forms of human trafficking” as:
The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provi- sion, or obtaining of a person for sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Coercion includes threats of physical or psychological harm to children and/or their fami- lies. Any child (under the age of 18) engaged in commercial sex is a victim of trafficking.
For more information on U.S. trafficking laws, please visit: www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/orr/programs/anti- trafficking-in-persons.
In one of Live Action’s February 2011 “stings,” a clinic manager of the Planned Parenthood in Perth Amboy, New Jersey suggested to the actor “pimp” that the girls who were 14 or younger could lie about their ages to avoid mandatory reporting laws. She
also suggested that the “young prostitutes” get cheap-
er contraception by lying to the clinic workers and “...
just kind of play along... that they’re students. We
want to make it look as legit as possible.” The clinic
manager additionally suggested that the trafficked
girls under the age of 15 go to another clinic, because
“their protocols aren’t as strict as ours and they don’t
get audited in the same way that we do.” The clinic
worker even suggested other ways the trafficked girls
could bring in money during the two weeks after an
abortion (when they cannot have sex due to the sur-
gery and healing). She recommended the girls simply
work “waist up, or just be that extra action walking
by.” For the footage, see here: www.liveaction.org/
traffick/. To view an FRC webcast on the sting op-
erations visit: www.frc.org/traffic.
Clinics Decreasing
Abortion industry advocates claim that there are too few clinics and too many obstacles to women being able to obtain an abortion.36 However, it should be noted that Planned Parenthood clinics have been closing their doors, in part, due to market demands. Additionally, fewer medical students are choosing to enter into this line of their profession.37
In 2009, the total number of Planned Parenthood clinics in the U.S. was 817, down from 855 in 2007. Of these, in 2009, 173 performed surgical abortion, a decrease from 2007 when 179 performed surgical abortions.
RU-486 Use on the Rise
However, while the number of PPFA clinics per- forming surgical abortion is decreasing, the use of chemical abortifacients is on the rise. The number of abortion facilities that provide mifepristone, popular- ly known as RU-486, has risen in the last few years.38 In 2007, 108 facilities administered the RU-486 regi- men. In 2009, that number increased to 131.39
In 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved RU-486 to be used as an abortion pill. To date, it remains the only FDA-approved drug for the purpose of abortion. However, certain other drugs and devices approved as “emergency contraceptives” by the FDA possess abortifacient modes of action, such as ella®, which is labeled an “emergency con- traceptive.” Mifepristone (RU-486) is categorized as a selected progesterone receptor modulator (SPRM), and works to block progesterone, thus depriving a de- veloping baby of necessary proteins to survive its first
Clinics Decreasing
Abortion industry advocates claim that there are too few clinics and too many obstacles to women being able to obtain an abortion.36 However, it should be noted that Planned Parenthood clinics have been closing their doors, in part, due to market demands. Additionally, fewer medical students are choosing to enter into this line of their profession.37
In 2009, the total number of Planned Parenthood clinics in the U.S. was 817, down from 855 in 2007. Of these, in 2009, 173 performed surgical abortion, a decrease from 2007 when 179 performed surgical abortions.
RU-486 Use on the Rise
However, while the number of PPFA clinics per- forming surgical abortion is decreasing, the use of chemical abortifacients is on the rise. The number of abortion facilities that provide mifepristone, popular- ly known as RU-486, has risen in the last few years.38 In 2007, 108 facilities administered the RU-486 regi- men. In 2009, that number increased to 131.39
In 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved RU-486 to be used as an abortion pill. To date, it remains the only FDA-approved drug for the purpose of abortion. However, certain other drugs and devices approved as “emergency contraceptives” by the FDA possess abortifacient modes of action, such as ella®, which is labeled an “emergency con- traceptive.” Mifepristone (RU-486) is categorized as a selected progesterone receptor modulator (SPRM), and works to block progesterone, thus depriving a de- veloping baby of necessary proteins to survive its first
ten weeks of development. SPRMs also suppress the
mother’s immune system, making her more prone to
infection and bleeding.
The FDA approval process for RU-486 was rushed, flawed, and politicized. The FDA deviated from its normal approval process and used inferior clinical tri- als to gain the approval. By April of 2011, ten-and-a- half years after the abortifacient was made available in the United States, the FDA acknowledged 11 deaths, 9 life-threatening incidents, 612 hospitalizations, 339 cases involving the need for blood transfusions, and 256 cases of infections. A total of 2,207 adverse events were reported.40 The abortion industry has the long- term goal of making abortion easier to access and more mainstream medically and socially. The FDA’s approval of RU-486 proved central to this strategy.
In March 2010, a Planned Parenthood clinic in Iowa reportedly began to prescribe RU-486 over Skype, rather then relying on an in-person doctor visit. In May 2010, PPFA announced its five-year plan to be- gin “telemed” abortions nationally.41 Telemedicine, or telemed, is the use of electronic communications to relay medical information between the patient and her doctor, in a separate location. In a telemed abortion, the doctor prescribes and administers the RU-486 to initiate a chemical abortion, even though he is deliberately absent from the patient. Given the drug’s normal side effects and frequent complica- tions, telemed abortions pose a serious threat to the mother’s health. As the plan began to be implement- ed, however, state legislatures took steps to ban dan- gerous telemed abortions. In April 2012, the state of Wisconsin passed a bill outlawing telemed abortions and requiring a doctor to be present when the person administers a chemical abortion.
PPFA also administers the RU-486 regimen in an off-label fashion by, for example, administering the regimen after the FDA prescribed gestation cut-off date (49 days)42 up to 63 days. It also prescribes the regimen at a lower dose than recommended by the FDA.43
Planned Parenthood claims to be an advocate for women’s health. However, the Federation has shown a consistent disregard for the ramifications and com- plications posed by chemical abortions. By failing to warn clients about potential complications, and mini- mizing the medical attention and professional su- pervision of the chemical abortion regimen, Planned Parenthood shows a disregard, not merely for the un- born child, but also for the health of the mother.
The FDA approval process for RU-486 was rushed, flawed, and politicized. The FDA deviated from its normal approval process and used inferior clinical tri- als to gain the approval. By April of 2011, ten-and-a- half years after the abortifacient was made available in the United States, the FDA acknowledged 11 deaths, 9 life-threatening incidents, 612 hospitalizations, 339 cases involving the need for blood transfusions, and 256 cases of infections. A total of 2,207 adverse events were reported.40 The abortion industry has the long- term goal of making abortion easier to access and more mainstream medically and socially. The FDA’s approval of RU-486 proved central to this strategy.
In March 2010, a Planned Parenthood clinic in Iowa reportedly began to prescribe RU-486 over Skype, rather then relying on an in-person doctor visit. In May 2010, PPFA announced its five-year plan to be- gin “telemed” abortions nationally.41 Telemedicine, or telemed, is the use of electronic communications to relay medical information between the patient and her doctor, in a separate location. In a telemed abortion, the doctor prescribes and administers the RU-486 to initiate a chemical abortion, even though he is deliberately absent from the patient. Given the drug’s normal side effects and frequent complica- tions, telemed abortions pose a serious threat to the mother’s health. As the plan began to be implement- ed, however, state legislatures took steps to ban dan- gerous telemed abortions. In April 2012, the state of Wisconsin passed a bill outlawing telemed abortions and requiring a doctor to be present when the person administers a chemical abortion.
PPFA also administers the RU-486 regimen in an off-label fashion by, for example, administering the regimen after the FDA prescribed gestation cut-off date (49 days)42 up to 63 days. It also prescribes the regimen at a lower dose than recommended by the FDA.43
Planned Parenthood claims to be an advocate for women’s health. However, the Federation has shown a consistent disregard for the ramifications and com- plications posed by chemical abortions. By failing to warn clients about potential complications, and mini- mizing the medical attention and professional su- pervision of the chemical abortion regimen, Planned Parenthood shows a disregard, not merely for the un- born child, but also for the health of the mother.
Planned Parenthood,
Your Children, and Sex
Early in her career, Margaret Sanger promoted sex education for children. In 1916 she authored and published the book What Every Girl Should Know, ad- dressing adolescent sex, menstruation, contraception, and other topics. She later wrote a book titled, What Every Boy and Girl Should Know, published in 1927.
Sex education for children has remained critical to Planned Parenthood over the years. Prominent on its current website is the “Info for Teens” tab (found at www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/). Hardly neutral, the website indicates a bias against heterosexual, monogamous, lifelong, marital com- mitment. Even in its “All About Relationships” sec- tion, “marriage” fails to be mentioned even once.44 Major subheadings on this site include: Dating, Family and Friends; Body and Mind; Sex and Mas- turbation; Birth Control; Safer Sex and STDs; Teen Pregnancy; and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning.
One option is to follow Planned Parenthood Teen Info on Twitter. If so, you will read posts such as, “Genitals are like snowflakes. No two sets are alike.” One of the first pictures one encounters is a man with his arm around another man and the caption, “How to talk to your partner about herpes.”
While the website encourages parents to attempt to discuss sexual activity with their teenage children, it also suggests that parents are ill-prepared to discuss teenage sexual activity.45 In the teen section titled “Relationships,” Planned Parenthood promises to help young people “keep things cool at home” 46 and offers “safe, confidential information” at a myriad of Planned Parenthood locations.47 The information provided in this pamphlet is anecdotal, but we sug- gest that any parent of an adolescent become aware of Planned Parenthood’s material, and direct outreach to your son or daughter. Planned Parenthood prioritizes an individual’s sexual self-expression. Parents who wish to offer their children a healthier moral frame- work should understand the competing narrative.
International Planned Parenthood Federation also has published several pieces on sexual education over the last few years. The first report, “Stand and Deliv- er: Sex, Health and Young People in the 21st Centu- ry,” published in January 2010, advocates policies that dangerously over-sexualize children as young as ten. The recommendations are developmentally inappro- priate, downplaying the role of parents in transmit-
Your Children, and Sex
Early in her career, Margaret Sanger promoted sex education for children. In 1916 she authored and published the book What Every Girl Should Know, ad- dressing adolescent sex, menstruation, contraception, and other topics. She later wrote a book titled, What Every Boy and Girl Should Know, published in 1927.
Sex education for children has remained critical to Planned Parenthood over the years. Prominent on its current website is the “Info for Teens” tab (found at www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/). Hardly neutral, the website indicates a bias against heterosexual, monogamous, lifelong, marital com- mitment. Even in its “All About Relationships” sec- tion, “marriage” fails to be mentioned even once.44 Major subheadings on this site include: Dating, Family and Friends; Body and Mind; Sex and Mas- turbation; Birth Control; Safer Sex and STDs; Teen Pregnancy; and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning.
One option is to follow Planned Parenthood Teen Info on Twitter. If so, you will read posts such as, “Genitals are like snowflakes. No two sets are alike.” One of the first pictures one encounters is a man with his arm around another man and the caption, “How to talk to your partner about herpes.”
While the website encourages parents to attempt to discuss sexual activity with their teenage children, it also suggests that parents are ill-prepared to discuss teenage sexual activity.45 In the teen section titled “Relationships,” Planned Parenthood promises to help young people “keep things cool at home” 46 and offers “safe, confidential information” at a myriad of Planned Parenthood locations.47 The information provided in this pamphlet is anecdotal, but we sug- gest that any parent of an adolescent become aware of Planned Parenthood’s material, and direct outreach to your son or daughter. Planned Parenthood prioritizes an individual’s sexual self-expression. Parents who wish to offer their children a healthier moral frame- work should understand the competing narrative.
International Planned Parenthood Federation also has published several pieces on sexual education over the last few years. The first report, “Stand and Deliv- er: Sex, Health and Young People in the 21st Centu- ry,” published in January 2010, advocates policies that dangerously over-sexualize children as young as ten. The recommendations are developmentally inappro- priate, downplaying the role of parents in transmit-
ting values to their children, and accusing religious
groups of “deny[ing young people] the pleasurable
and positive aspects of sex.” The report advocates for
an international “human right” to unlimited contra-
ception and mandatory “comprehensive” sex educa-
tion for children as young as ten. To see this report,
go to the following website: www.ippf.org/resources/
Additionally, International Planned Parenthood re- leased a sex education guide for HIV-positive youth in January 2010 titled, “Happy, Healthy, Hot: A Young Person’s Guide to Their Rights and Living with HIV.” Some quotes from this guide include the following: “Many people think sex is just about vagi- nal or anal intercourse... But, there are lots of differ- ent ways to have sex and lots of different types of sex. There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!” The guide also recom- mends, “Improve your sex life by getting to know your own body. Play with yourself! Masturbation is a great way to find out more about your body and what you find sexually stimulating. Mix things up by using different kinds of touch from very soft to hard. Talk about or act out your fantasies. Talk dirty to them.”
Alarmingly, the sex guide for adolescents advocates against national laws that HIV-positive people must reveal their life-threatening status to their sex partner. The guide claims that these laws “violate the rights of people living with HIV.” They explain,“There are many reasons that people do not share their HIV status. ... They may worry that people will find out something else they have kept secret, like they are us- ing injecting drugs, having sex outside of a marriage or having sex with people of the same gender.” To see this report, please visit this website: www.ippf.org/re- sources/publications/healthy-happy-hot.
On October 1, 2010, the Obama Administration an- nounced grant recipients for its new sex education program, which replaced longtime federal abstinence education. Of the recipeints named, Planned Par- enthood’s Teen Prevention Program (PREP) was awarded a total of $22 million annually for five years to provide sex education to children.48
Planned Parenthood and Komen
On January 31, 2012, a story broke that the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure had broken ties with Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Up until this time, Komen provided small grants to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screening. Out of their $81 million in grants and contracts, the group
Additionally, International Planned Parenthood re- leased a sex education guide for HIV-positive youth in January 2010 titled, “Happy, Healthy, Hot: A Young Person’s Guide to Their Rights and Living with HIV.” Some quotes from this guide include the following: “Many people think sex is just about vagi- nal or anal intercourse... But, there are lots of differ- ent ways to have sex and lots of different types of sex. There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!” The guide also recom- mends, “Improve your sex life by getting to know your own body. Play with yourself! Masturbation is a great way to find out more about your body and what you find sexually stimulating. Mix things up by using different kinds of touch from very soft to hard. Talk about or act out your fantasies. Talk dirty to them.”
Alarmingly, the sex guide for adolescents advocates against national laws that HIV-positive people must reveal their life-threatening status to their sex partner. The guide claims that these laws “violate the rights of people living with HIV.” They explain,“There are many reasons that people do not share their HIV status. ... They may worry that people will find out something else they have kept secret, like they are us- ing injecting drugs, having sex outside of a marriage or having sex with people of the same gender.” To see this report, please visit this website: www.ippf.org/re- sources/publications/healthy-happy-hot.
On October 1, 2010, the Obama Administration an- nounced grant recipients for its new sex education program, which replaced longtime federal abstinence education. Of the recipeints named, Planned Par- enthood’s Teen Prevention Program (PREP) was awarded a total of $22 million annually for five years to provide sex education to children.48
Planned Parenthood and Komen
On January 31, 2012, a story broke that the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure had broken ties with Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Up until this time, Komen provided small grants to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screening. Out of their $81 million in grants and contracts, the group
provided a few grants to PPFA affiliates, averaging
$700,000 annually. In December, 2011, the Komen
Foundation informed Planned Parenthood that it
would be changing its grant criteria so that 1) groups
under criminal or congressional investigation could
not be recipients of funding and 2) grants would be
more results-oriented. At the time, Planned Parent-
hood did not directly perform mammograms that, ac-
cording to the National Institutes of Health, are nec-
essary for the prevention of and screening for breast
cancer. FRC made a call to PPFA’s national office
in December 2011 and was informed that no affili-
ate directly provided mammograms at that time. In-
terestingly, in a CNN interview the previous spring,
Planned Parenthood’s president Cecile Richards er-
roneously reported that a loss of government funding
would mean that women would lose access to mam-
In late January, Planned Parenthood leaked informa- tion about Komen’s decision to part ways with them. A media firestorm followed. Such was the intensity of pressure that later the same week, Komen loosened its new criteria and publicly apologized for making such a decision. In the months that followed, PPFA re-granted Planned Parenthood affiliates.50
The lesson to U.S. charities? Mess with the nation ’s largest abortion provider and you will regret it.
Planned Parenthood’s Financial Allies
Planned Parenthood is well-supported by major cor- porations, nationally and internationally. A pro-life group in Virginia prepares an annual list of businesses that donate to the organization. The list is informa- tive and may surprise the reader. The list at www. fightpp.org/.
Laws De-funding Planned
As previously mentioned, the U.S. House of Rep- resentatives voted on February 18, 2011, to remove federal taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood Federation of America. While the bill failed to pass the Senate, the popularity of the House bill indicated a shift in public opinion about the nation’s largest abortion provider. Following the House vote, many states took their own steps to either reduce or remove funding to the nation’s largest abortion provider.
They did so in a variety of methods: through direct legislation, budget cuts, or simply re-prioritizing grant money away from organizations that provide
In late January, Planned Parenthood leaked informa- tion about Komen’s decision to part ways with them. A media firestorm followed. Such was the intensity of pressure that later the same week, Komen loosened its new criteria and publicly apologized for making such a decision. In the months that followed, PPFA re-granted Planned Parenthood affiliates.50
The lesson to U.S. charities? Mess with the nation ’s largest abortion provider and you will regret it.
Planned Parenthood’s Financial Allies
Planned Parenthood is well-supported by major cor- porations, nationally and internationally. A pro-life group in Virginia prepares an annual list of businesses that donate to the organization. The list is informa- tive and may surprise the reader. The list at www. fightpp.org/.
Laws De-funding Planned
As previously mentioned, the U.S. House of Rep- resentatives voted on February 18, 2011, to remove federal taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood Federation of America. While the bill failed to pass the Senate, the popularity of the House bill indicated a shift in public opinion about the nation’s largest abortion provider. Following the House vote, many states took their own steps to either reduce or remove funding to the nation’s largest abortion provider.
They did so in a variety of methods: through direct legislation, budget cuts, or simply re-prioritizing grant money away from organizations that provide
abortion. Such states included Indiana, Kansas, Wis-
consin, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island,
North Carolina, and Nebraska. Faced with monetary
loss, Planned Parenthood tried to halt these actions,
suing the state in some cases, with results yet to be
In response to state initiatives, the Obama Adminis- tration stepped in to override state decisions to defund the organization. In June 2011, New Hampshire voted to de-fund Planned Parenthood; the Obama admin- istration bypassed this decision by directly awarding a $1 million grant to Planned Parenthood in October 2011. The state filed a formal protest with the Depart- ment of Health and Human Services. In March 2012, the Obama Administration denied certain Medicaid funding to the state of Texas and threatened funding in Indiana because the state had defunded Planned Parenthood.
What You Can Do
It is likely that your local Planned Parenthood affiliate receives federal, state, and/or local government fund- ing. Concerned citizens frequently ask how they can protect unborn children and address Planned Parent- hood’s outreach to and damage within their commu- nity. While every situation is unique, we would sug- gest the following steps.
1. Information Gathering: Does your community have a local PPFA affiliate? A simple Internet search will reveal details like location and leadership. Find out its name and leaders so you are more aware of stakeholders’ local influence and whether they are on the local school board, hold public office, own their own businesses, etc. Not all Planned Parenthood af- filiates perform surgical abortions. Some offer only chemical abortions (RU-486), others might also per- form suction aspiration abortions, and dilation and evacuation (D & E) abortions. Some might refer pa- tients to abortion clinics in the area. If the PPFA af- filiate does not perform abortions, you can find out to which clinics they refer patients. Ask if they perform abortions every day of the week. In some instances, doctors will fly in from out of state and perform abor- tions only one day a week. The more information you can find out, the better. It is not difficult to obtain this information.
Given the previous information on the millions of taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives for ado- lescent pregnancy prevention, consider checking with your local school district to see if Planned Parenthood is active in your children’s schools. In California, the
In response to state initiatives, the Obama Adminis- tration stepped in to override state decisions to defund the organization. In June 2011, New Hampshire voted to de-fund Planned Parenthood; the Obama admin- istration bypassed this decision by directly awarding a $1 million grant to Planned Parenthood in October 2011. The state filed a formal protest with the Depart- ment of Health and Human Services. In March 2012, the Obama Administration denied certain Medicaid funding to the state of Texas and threatened funding in Indiana because the state had defunded Planned Parenthood.
What You Can Do
It is likely that your local Planned Parenthood affiliate receives federal, state, and/or local government fund- ing. Concerned citizens frequently ask how they can protect unborn children and address Planned Parent- hood’s outreach to and damage within their commu- nity. While every situation is unique, we would sug- gest the following steps.
1. Information Gathering: Does your community have a local PPFA affiliate? A simple Internet search will reveal details like location and leadership. Find out its name and leaders so you are more aware of stakeholders’ local influence and whether they are on the local school board, hold public office, own their own businesses, etc. Not all Planned Parenthood af- filiates perform surgical abortions. Some offer only chemical abortions (RU-486), others might also per- form suction aspiration abortions, and dilation and evacuation (D & E) abortions. Some might refer pa- tients to abortion clinics in the area. If the PPFA af- filiate does not perform abortions, you can find out to which clinics they refer patients. Ask if they perform abortions every day of the week. In some instances, doctors will fly in from out of state and perform abor- tions only one day a week. The more information you can find out, the better. It is not difficult to obtain this information.
Given the previous information on the millions of taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives for ado- lescent pregnancy prevention, consider checking with your local school district to see if Planned Parenthood is active in your children’s schools. In California, the
nation’s largest abortion provider has opened up a
clinic within a high school.51
2. Funding: You have many options through which to learn more about your local affiliate’s funding. A good place to start is with your state’s department of health. You can look on government websites to see what family planning services and groups are funded through the state and which perform abortions.
- As previously indicated, we suggest looking at fed- eral funding streams to learn more about Planned Parenthood finances as well. One good source is the previously listed site for HHS grants. You can also look through the HHS Family Planning Database to find who is a recipient of Title X (family planning project) funding in your state or local area (www.hhs. gov/opa/title-x-family-planning/).
- IRS 990 tax forms are public information, and can be accessed relatively easily. Request your local af- filiate’s IRS 990 form to see how much money it has made, where it is coming from, how much they in- vest, etc. Another way of accessing this information is through Guidestar, a charity evaluator site (www. guidestar.org/).
- Check city, county, and state budgets. In situations where grant or contract recipients are not listed, you are strongly encouraged to ask and keep asking until you obtain a listing of the actual names of the groups providing the services mentioned in this booklet.
3. Familiarize yourself with and befriend city coun- cil members and state legislators to identify pro-life champions: Be active in your community. Network- ing, being knowledgeable about the groups in your local area, and having relationships with leaders in your community is critical to influencing local lead- ers. One concerned citizen was actively involved in a local coalition of health organizations, of which Planned Parenthood was a member. She knew that the coalition received significant county funding, but was unable to ascertain if Planned Parenthood was receiving part of that money. After seeing the annual report and seeing that the recipients were not listed, she began asking more questions of her local elect- ed officials. At this point, having a friend who was equally concerned and had a relationship with a local elected official was important and helpful. In the end, she learned that the Planned Parenthood affiliate was receiving a significant amount of county funding and helped ensure it ultimately was defunded.
4. Legislation: Call upon your state and local elected officials to pass legislation that will protect life and
2. Funding: You have many options through which to learn more about your local affiliate’s funding. A good place to start is with your state’s department of health. You can look on government websites to see what family planning services and groups are funded through the state and which perform abortions.
- As previously indicated, we suggest looking at fed- eral funding streams to learn more about Planned Parenthood finances as well. One good source is the previously listed site for HHS grants. You can also look through the HHS Family Planning Database to find who is a recipient of Title X (family planning project) funding in your state or local area (www.hhs. gov/opa/title-x-family-planning/).
- IRS 990 tax forms are public information, and can be accessed relatively easily. Request your local af- filiate’s IRS 990 form to see how much money it has made, where it is coming from, how much they in- vest, etc. Another way of accessing this information is through Guidestar, a charity evaluator site (www. guidestar.org/).
- Check city, county, and state budgets. In situations where grant or contract recipients are not listed, you are strongly encouraged to ask and keep asking until you obtain a listing of the actual names of the groups providing the services mentioned in this booklet.
3. Familiarize yourself with and befriend city coun- cil members and state legislators to identify pro-life champions: Be active in your community. Network- ing, being knowledgeable about the groups in your local area, and having relationships with leaders in your community is critical to influencing local lead- ers. One concerned citizen was actively involved in a local coalition of health organizations, of which Planned Parenthood was a member. She knew that the coalition received significant county funding, but was unable to ascertain if Planned Parenthood was receiving part of that money. After seeing the annual report and seeing that the recipients were not listed, she began asking more questions of her local elect- ed officials. At this point, having a friend who was equally concerned and had a relationship with a local elected official was important and helpful. In the end, she learned that the Planned Parenthood affiliate was receiving a significant amount of county funding and helped ensure it ultimately was defunded.
4. Legislation: Call upon your state and local elected officials to pass legislation that will protect life and
force transparency for Planned Parenthood. Ameri-
cans United for Life has draft state legislation avail-
able at: www.aul.org/defending-life/.
5. Sonograms: Offering free sonograms across the street from abortion clinics has sometimes led to their eventual closing. Sonograms are a wonderful tool in promoting the truth about the growth and dignity of the unborn. Nonprofit organizations like ICU Mo- bile offer free sonograms to women considering an abortion. For more information about this organi- zation, visit www.icumobile.org/. The provision of sonograms constitutes the practice of medicine and should always be used under the direction and super- vision of a licensed physician. For more information on the provision of sonograms, go to www.nifla.org/ training.asp.
6. Pray and peacefully protest outside of your local Planned Parenthood clinic: In the words of former Planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, “Hav- ing a vigil outside an abortion clinic is vital...hav- ing people out there...praying, pricks the conscience of everybody walking in... Any time you brought a member of the clergy, that was particularly effec- tive.”52 Forty Days for Life is an organization that or- ganizes peaceful prayer vigils outside of abortion clin- ics. For more information, see: www.40daysforlife. com/about.cfm.
There are many aspects of Planned Parenthood’s work and history you will not find by searching its website or reading through its annual reports. For ex- ample, you will not find out that the current Planned Parenthood CEO, Cecile Richards, formerly worked as Assistant Chief of Staff to Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), former House Speaker and now Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. You certainly will not find the fact that Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was once the guest lecturer at a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) meeting in Silver Lake, New Jer- sey, and that her eugenics message was so well-re- ceived that she was immediately invited to speak at 12 additional KKK chapter meetings.53 You also will likely not see that in order for a Planned Parenthood clinic to receive official affiliate status, it must perform abortions.54
Planned Parenthood promotes itself as the premier organization for women’s health nationally and in- ternationally. Based on the evidence discussed in this pamphlet, one can conclude that Planned Parent- hood is neither benevolent nor benign in the way it
5. Sonograms: Offering free sonograms across the street from abortion clinics has sometimes led to their eventual closing. Sonograms are a wonderful tool in promoting the truth about the growth and dignity of the unborn. Nonprofit organizations like ICU Mo- bile offer free sonograms to women considering an abortion. For more information about this organi- zation, visit www.icumobile.org/. The provision of sonograms constitutes the practice of medicine and should always be used under the direction and super- vision of a licensed physician. For more information on the provision of sonograms, go to www.nifla.org/ training.asp.
6. Pray and peacefully protest outside of your local Planned Parenthood clinic: In the words of former Planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, “Hav- ing a vigil outside an abortion clinic is vital...hav- ing people out there...praying, pricks the conscience of everybody walking in... Any time you brought a member of the clergy, that was particularly effec- tive.”52 Forty Days for Life is an organization that or- ganizes peaceful prayer vigils outside of abortion clin- ics. For more information, see: www.40daysforlife. com/about.cfm.
There are many aspects of Planned Parenthood’s work and history you will not find by searching its website or reading through its annual reports. For ex- ample, you will not find out that the current Planned Parenthood CEO, Cecile Richards, formerly worked as Assistant Chief of Staff to Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), former House Speaker and now Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. You certainly will not find the fact that Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was once the guest lecturer at a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) meeting in Silver Lake, New Jer- sey, and that her eugenics message was so well-re- ceived that she was immediately invited to speak at 12 additional KKK chapter meetings.53 You also will likely not see that in order for a Planned Parenthood clinic to receive official affiliate status, it must perform abortions.54
Planned Parenthood promotes itself as the premier organization for women’s health nationally and in- ternationally. Based on the evidence discussed in this pamphlet, one can conclude that Planned Parent- hood is neither benevolent nor benign in the way it
cares for women, minorities, or children. From its
eugenic foundations, to its telemed dissemination of
the dangerous RU-486 abortion regimen, Planned
Parenthood is exploiting its clients as it also destroys
countless unborn boys and girls. You can help protect
life by educating parents, teachers, clients, and elected
officials about the reality behind this profit-making
organization. The truth about Planned Parenthood
must be told so its leadership feels public disapproval
where it hurts the most—their wallets.
1 Live Action, video clip (http://liveaction.org/blog/planned-
2 PPFA, 2007-2008 Annual Report, p. 2 (http://www.
plannedparenthood.org/files/AR08_vFinal.pdf ).
3 Encyclopedia Britannica, “Britannica Academic Edition,”
genics (accessed May 18, 2012).
4 Sanger, Margaret, “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Pro-
paganda,” Birth Control Review 5 (1921) Margaret Sanger
5 Marshall, Robert and Donovan, Charles, Blessed Are the
Barren, The Social Policy of Planned Parenthood, San Fran-
cisco, CA: Ignatius Press, p.1-2.
6 Marshall and Donovan, p. 8-9.
7 Sanger, Margaret, personal letter to Clarence Gamble, Dec
10, 1939, Sophia Smith Collection: Women’s History Ar-
chives, Smith College.
8 Franks, Angela, “Planned Parenthood’s Connections to
Eugenics,” http://www.angelafranks.com/margaret/marga-
ret_sanger2.htm#connections (accessed May 18, 2012).
9 Black, Sew Edwin, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and
America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, New York:
Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003, p. 141-42.
10 In her biography of Margaret Sanger, Woman of Valor, Ellen
Chesler tries to give a forgiving context to the racist and
eugenic associations by stating that Sanger had “little choice
but to engage with eugenic discourse,” but also admits that
the “record is mixed” with regard to Sanger’s application
of eugenics to certain groups. (Chesler, Ellen, Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America, NY, New York: Simon and Schuster, p. 486). By contrast, author of the scholarly Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy, Angela Franks, presents evidence that “Sanger had
a genuine commitment to the eugenic ideology.” (Franks, Angela, Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility, Jefferson, North Carolina: MacFarland and Company, p. 1).
11 U.S. Census Bureau, “Overview of Race and Hispanic
Origin: 2010,” March, 2011, http://www.census.gov/prod/
12 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Abortion
Surveillance --- United States, 2008,” November, 2011
13 The Radiance Foundation Too Many Aborted Billboard
Campaign (http://www.theradiancefoundation.org/).
14 Live Action, video clip (http://liveaction.org/planned-par-
15 PPFA, “Planned Parenthood Federation of America Ser-
vices,” January, 2012, p. 2 (http://www.plannedparenthood.
org/files/PPFA/PP_Services.pdf ).
16 Gutmacher Institute, In Brief: Fact Sheet, “Facts on Induced
Abortion in the United States,” August, 2011, p. 1 (http://
17 National Right to Life Committee, “Abortion Data: Statis-
tics and Trends,” January, 2012, (http://www.nrlc.org/Fact-
sheets/FS03_AbortionInTheUS.pdf ).
18 U.S. Census Bureau, “State and Country Quick Facts,” Janu-
ary, 2012, (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/48000.
19 U.S. Census Bureau, “State and Country Quick Facts,” Janu-
ary, 2012, (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/48000.
20 Americans United for Life, “The Case for Investigating
Planned Parenthood,” p. 2, July, 2011, (http://www.aul.org/
wp-content/uploads/2011/07/PPReport_F ULL.pdf ).
21 FOXnews.com, “Planned Parenthood Director Quits After
Watching Abortion on Ultrasound” (November 2, 2009)
22 Matthew Watkins, “Planned Parenthood files injunction,”
The Eagle.com, (November 3, 2009) (http://www.theeagle.
23 Ashley Sigman, “Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has
Change of Heart,” KBTX TV, Bryan College Station, TX,
(November 2, 2009) (http://www.kbtx.com/home/head-
24 PPFA, 2009-2010 Annual Report, p. 9 (http://issuu.com/
25 PPFA, 2008-2009 Annual Report, p. 29.
26 PPFA, 2007-2008 Annual Report, p.18 (http://www.
plannedparenthood.org/files/AR08_vFinal.pdf ).
27 PPFA, 2009-2010 Annual Report, p. 7.
28 PPFA, 2009-2012 Annual Report, p. 8.
29 PPFA, 2009-2010 Annual Report, p. 8.
30 The statistical tests and analysis for this section were per-
formed by Henry Potrykus, PhD.
31 Christine Dhanagom, “Lawsuit over Planned Parenthood
coverup of statutory rape ‘resolved’,” LifeSiteNews, April
28, 2011, ( http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/lawsuit-over-
32 Life Legal Defense Fund, “Ohio Case Roe v. Planned
Parenthood is Resolved-What is There to Hide?”, April 25,
2011, ( http://www.lldf.org/main/ohio-case-roe-v-planned-
33 Live Action, video clip (http://liveaction.org/monalisa).
34 Live Action, video clip (http://liveaction.org/monalisa).
35 Live Action, video clip (http://liveaction.org/traffick/).
36 Rachel K. Jones and Kathryn Kooistra, “Abortion Incidence
and Access to Services in the United States, 2008,” Perspec-
tives on Sexual and Reproductive Health( 43), 1 March
37 Kate Harding, “Is There a Next Generation of Abortion
Providers?” Salon.com (May 15, 2009) (http://www.salon.
38 American life League, “2009 Report on Planned Parenthood
Facilities in the United States,” (March 15, 2010) (http://
Combined.pdf ).
39 American life League.
40 Food and Drug Administration, “Mifepristone U.S. Post-
marketing Adverse Events Summary through 04/30/2011,”
July, 2011. (http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/Drug-
Providers/UCM263353.pdf ).
41 KCCI TV, “Planned Parenthood Uses Telemedicine To
Dispense Pills” (May 19, 2010) (http://www.kcci.com/
42 PPFA, “Abortion Pill At a Glance,” (http://www.planned-
cation-abortion-4354.htm) (accessed May 21, 2012).
43 PPFA, “Mifepristone: Expanding Women’s Options for Ear-
ly Abortion in the United States ,” October, 2007. (http://
www.plannedparenthood.org/files/PPFA/mife_10-07.pdf ).
44 PPFA, “All About Relationships,” (http://www.plannedpar-
ships-33823.htm) (accessed July 26, 2012).
45 PPFA, “Tools for Parents,” (http://www.plannedparenthood.
org/parents/) (accessed July 31, 2012).
46 PPFA, “Relationships,” (http://www.plannedparenthood.
org/info-for-teens/relationships-33810.htm) (accessed July
26, 2012).
47 PPFA, “Relationships,” (http://www.plannedparenthood.
sex-33822.htm) (accessed July 31, 2012).
48 PPFA, 2009-2010 Annual Report, p. 3.
49 http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/after-lying-about-
50 “Timeline of key events in Komen controversy,” Wash-
ington Post, (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/
versy/2012/02/07/gIQAX4EWxQ_story.html) (accessed on
July 26, 2012).
51 CBS, “Planned Parenthood Sets Up Shop At Roosevelt
High To Reduce Teen Pregnancies,” June 5, 2012, (http://
52 Spiritus Films, “An Interview With Abby Johnson,”
son-3392144) (accessed May 21, 2012).
53 Sanger, Margaret (1938). Margaret Sanger, An Autobiogra-
phy. New York: W. W. Norton. pp. 361, 366–7.
54 Baptist Press, “Planned Parenthood: affiliates must do abor-
tions,” Townhall.com, January 12, 2011 (http://townhall.
About the Author
jeanne monahan is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council (FRC). She researches, writes, and speaks on issues related to the inherent dignity of the human person, including abortion, women’s health, and end-of-life issues. Prior to joining FRC, Jeanne worked for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Office of the Secretary. Her federal government experience includes global health policy, as well as domestic and international health care issues. Before working in public policy, Jeanne worked for the Catholic Church in a variety of positions involving educating on life issues, human sexuality, marriage, and family. Jeanne holds an undergraduate degree in psychology from James Madison University and a Masters degree in the theology of marriage and family from the Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
america’s abortion provider: what everyone should know about planned parenthood by jeanne monahan
© 2012 family research council
all rights reserved.
printed in the united states
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jeanne monahan is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council (FRC). She researches, writes, and speaks on issues related to the inherent dignity of the human person, including abortion, women’s health, and end-of-life issues. Prior to joining FRC, Jeanne worked for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Office of the Secretary. Her federal government experience includes global health policy, as well as domestic and international health care issues. Before working in public policy, Jeanne worked for the Catholic Church in a variety of positions involving educating on life issues, human sexuality, marriage, and family. Jeanne holds an undergraduate degree in psychology from James Madison University and a Masters degree in the theology of marriage and family from the Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
america’s abortion provider: what everyone should know about planned parenthood by jeanne monahan
© 2012 family research council
all rights reserved.
printed in the united states
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