Friday, March 4, 2011

Pursue Harmony with your Mate

One of the most important qualities to develop in a marriage is harmony.
Harmony could be described as two very different people who bring differing ideas, customs, gifts, talents, points of view, and experiences learning to live life together in a way that brings out the best in each other. A blending together that is inspiring and good music.
We have all heard singers who sing together well and others who set your whole being on edge as you hope that they will be through soon!
We have also seen the same in couples. Some are so connected that they simply exude peace and are quite inspiring to watch or be around. Others are so out of sync that it is stressful and painful to be around them.
This has little to do with "chemistry"or being "in Love", it has everything to do with how we choose to relate to each other. If you are out of sync right now, don't give up, begin to develop harmony.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes a group of talented individual singers can't seem to harmonize well? It's the same way in marriage, sometimes great people have trouble harmonizing their lives. The key to good harmony in singing or in life is to choose to shift the focus off of self and choose to put effort into focusing on getting in step with your partner.
Here are some helpful tips to boost harmony in your marriage:

  • Spend some time identifying areas where you feel out of sync with your mate...maybe making a list will help.
  • Talk to your mate to find out what he/she needs in these areas. How can I move toward my mate in this area to create harmony?
  • Try to determine what God's Word has to say about this area.(that's the standard always move toward that) 
  • Be willing to compromise your desire to find acceptable middle ground with your mate. A tug of war is the opposite of harmony.
  • Listen to and value your mate's opinions and needs. Don't be critical and negative.
  • Encourage your mate.  
  • Try to eliminate the phrase "But, What about ME?!" from your thinking and replace it with "But, What's best for US?!"
               Watch the Romance Grow!  
For more ideas to help boost your marriage, order our book, I Still Do.

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