Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Great article by Carol Everett, former abortion clinic owner turned pro-life advocate

Dear Friends,
When I wrote The Scarlet Lady, later titled Blood Money, I was not healed enough to admit the truth about how the abortion industry used sex education to sell abortions. For the last few years now, I have been sharing the connection between sex education and abortion. Now, sex education is even worse than what I was part of - explaining anal intercourse to sixth graders, demonstrations of how to put on a condom, and encouraging the use of “sex toys” to older students. Only because I trust the power of what Jesus did on the cross to cover my sin, can I share so you are aware of what is being attempted and in some areas, taught to Texas children and teens.
Please use discretion in sharing this letter.
I sold abortions. Our goal was three to five abortions from every teen - male and female - between the ages of 13 and 18. If we could get teens sexually active early and sell that first abortion, we knew they would continue to use abortion as a method of birth control throughout their child bearing years. In other words, a long term customer! I am sad to say I held the hand of one young woman, while she had her ninth abortion. With a 45% repeat rate nationally, abortion is now an accepted method of birth control.
How do you sell an abortion? You can’t just tell a child of 12 to start having sex so that they can have an abortion the next year. You must:
  •   break down the natural modesty
  •   separate them from their parents and their values
  •   become the expert or “sexpert” in their lives
    Actually the programs start in kindergarten, though in the summer of 2012, Planned Parenthood announced a new book for 2 year olds called “Who Has What?” (Sold in many Barnes and Noble locations along with other sex education books in the series called “It’s Not the Stork, It’s So Amazing, and It’s Perfectly Normal - all by Robie Harris, printed by Candlewick Press.)
March 14, 2013
In kindergarten children are placed in a circle and the teacher or instructor asks each child the same question. “What do your parents call your private parts?” By the time the third or fourth child answers, it is clear to the children their parents do not know what they have, because as we know, each family has a different name for their private parts. “It’s Not the Stork” is the sex education book printed for four year olds kindergartners!
In the first grade, a different book with nude 6 and 7 year old models with diagrams showing how to have intercourse was used. (That book is no longer in use. It’s Perfectly Normal or It’s So Amazing may be used.) The children are not interested in having intercourse, but this is another way to break down the natural modesty. If the children listen or look at the pictures, they feel they are part of the problem. Their involvement guarantees they will not tell their parents what they participated in.
Fourth grade, children are encouraged to masturbate alone, then in groups of four or five of the same sex.
In the fifth and sixth grade, someone like me may come into the classroom. Now the goal is to separate the children even further from parents and to encourage sexual activity. The first step is encouraging the children to laugh at their parents and their values. If they laugh at their parents and their values or if they feel they were part of the discussion, they are part of the problem. Again, parents will not hear the distressing facts. Teens particularly do not want parents coming to school!
“If you decide to have sex, will your parents help you find a method of birth control? Don’t worry about that. Here’s our card. Come to the clinic. We can help you.” When they came to the abortion clinic for an appointment, we gave the boys defective or seconds condoms. After all we were on budget! The girls were prescribed low dose birth control pills that in order to provide any level of protection had to be taken accurately at the same time every day. We knew teens did not do anything at the same time every day. We understood when we put her on that low dose birth control pill that she would feel protected. Sexual activity would go from zero or once a week to five to seven times a week. The pill would not work and we could accomplish our goal of three to five abortions between the ages of 13 and 18. Sadly, the plan worked. Young teens became sexually active, then teen pregnancy and abortion rates increased.
Sex education sells abortions!
It is even worst now. They speak of perverted sexual activity: anal intercourse, bestiality, group sex and “sex toys”.
What four year old needs to know about the opposite sex’s private parts and what teen needs to hear about “sex toys”? (Yes, I am learning things I do not need to know!)
When the present administration offered Texas millions in “how to sex” education, the Governor and the Health Commissioner refused the funds. The administration then gave the University of Texas Prevention Research Center $15.9 million to develop a “how to sex” curriculum called “It’s Your Game”.
While Austin, Midland and Houston are the school districts targeted, it is just a matter of time before this ungodly program spreads across the state and nation.
Recognizing the threat, The Heidi Group stepped out by faith to contract with Anne Newman, one of the leading experts on sex education in Texas. Anne is educating legislators and parents on the truth about sex education and the extreme tenants of “It’s Your Game”. (Enclosed please find excerpts and more information about the program. Check out the websites to further understand this perverted sex education.)
Texas Legislators are working to protect children from this horrible experiment in Texas. Senator Ken Paxton has filed Senate Bill 521 which excludes abortion providers and affiliates from providing sex education in schools and provides parents the opportunity to “opt in” or provide consent for their child to participate in, or be excluded from sex education class. Representative Jeff Leach has filed the companion bill in the House, HB 1057 called the Texas Parental Control Act, with the same provisions as SB 521.
Additionally as of the filing deadline of March 8, pro-choice bills have been filed to wipe out almost every protection of women and babies passed by pro-lifers in the last years. Pro-choice activists want to restore all the family planning so abortion providers are able to have greater access to prey on our children. They want to remove the 24 hour waiting period prior to the abortion and the breast cancer warning to women having an abortion from the “Women’s Right to Know” booklet.
We have work to do!
Senate Bill 537 filed by Senate physicians Senator Dr. Robert Deuell, Senator Dr. Donna Campbell, and Senator Dr. Charles Schwertner moves abortion clinics from the present lower standard to the same minimum standard as all other surgical facilities Ambulatory Surgical Facility. Of the 45 Texas abortion clinics, 38 are licensed, six meet the standards for Ambulatory Surgical Facilities and one operates as an unlicensed clinic. Ambulatory Surgical Facility standards require clean air systems for operating rooms and generators in case of a power loss. While our goal is to reduce abortion until it ends, this bill will force abortion clinics to meet the minimum standards or close. If abortion is supposed to be safe because it is legal, why is there a second lower standard of care for the only surgery performed solely on women?
While I will continue any lobbying as a private citizen, we ask you to pray for the Lord to protect the babies and women of Texas by encouraging our pro-life legislators to stand for life in the abstinence and abortion arena, protecting our children from sex education and to protect them from abortion in the future.

Thank you for all you do to encourage life and abstinence until marriage - which still works every time!
CE Enclosures P.S.
When people tell you we need to teach our children about sex and how to use contraceptives, please remind them that we do not take our children out to teach them how to drive safely drunk. We give them a moral absolute. If you drink and drive, you could be killed. Our children do not deserve a low moral standard to live down to but the highest and best: abstinence until marriage which still works every time.
The total cost of this contract work with Anne to spread the truth about this “how to sex” education for the next few months will be $20,000 plus. If the Lord so leads, please make a financial investment in truth! 

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