Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pursuing Happiness

Happiness is a mysterious thing. I have met people in third world countries who had no idea where their next meal was coming from who were bubbling over with joy and thanksgiving. On the other hand, we have all read the reports of the Hollywood crowd who seem to have all the money, privilege, opportunity, and beauty in the world, yet are so miserable that their lives are filled with  substance abuse, infidelity, and self destructive behaviors. This is indeed a mystery because we tend to think that happiness is the guaranteed end result of success and prosperity.
One of the leading causes of marital breakdown is the belief that one's mate is no longer making them happy. Too often, people buy in to the idea that if you are not happy, then the best solution is to dissolve the marriage and go out looking for that someone who can create happiness. Can someone really create long term happiness for another person or are we responsible for our own happiness? It is certain that people and things can spur short term bursts of happiness, but real long term happiness is something that must come from within. Too many spouses live under the pressure of having to be a fountain of happiness for their mate or risk having their mate leave them. This is an unfair requirement and no one likes living under this kind of pressure.
So, the question is, what can we do to foster happiness within our own hearts?  In Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, we find some helpful hints:

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