Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolve to be more joyful!

Proverbs 17:22 tells us that a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. I have found that it is easy to ride the waves of circumstances in life, being joyful when things are going well and being cranky and moody when things are not going so well. This would not be such a big deal if we lived in a vacuum, but we we all live in contact with others and our attitude affects those around us.
In our homes, when we are cranky, moody, and irritable it causes friction and tension with our mate and children. This often leads to arguments, hurt feelings, and emotional isolation. So, it seems that being a person who is joyful and pleasant most of the time, no one is perfect, is a powerful gift to everyone that we interact with regularly. Have you noticed how some people warm up the room when they enter it? They lift up everyone around them, while others spread a "vibe" of sourness.
I have been working for years to become a carrier of joy, especially in my home. I have found that the biggest obstacle is the myth that I can only be pleasant and joyful when all is well. Most of us have bought into this myth, but it is simply not true. Being a pleasant, joyful person emanates from our belief system and our chosen outlook not from our circumstances. For example, if all of our circumstances had to be in order for us to qualify to be joyful and pleasant then some whole cities and even nations, like the impoverished nations of Africa, Cuba, Haiti, and even Mexico, would be completely void of joy and the "sourness saturation" would probably escalate to mass homicide and suicide. On the other hand, the super rich and privileged of Hollywood would be the epicenter of joy and pleasantries. But the truth is that  these places of extreme difficulty still have the light of joy and the sound of laughter and the circles of privilege are famous for their misery and depression.
After considering these things, I hope you will join me in my quest to be a source of joy to my family and others I encounter. It is not easy, but it is a worthwhile endeavor. Circumstances will always be trying to knock you back into a sour mood, but the fight is well worth it.
Here are some helpful tips I have learned so far:
  1. Work at not allowing worry to overwhelm you by reminding yourself that God sees you and He really is working on your behalf even when you can't see it.
  2. Remember that life is not all about you. Train yourself to notice the needs of those around you and do what you can for them.
  3. Make a decision to avoid all self pity.
  4. Stop spending time focusing on what you don't have and focus on what you do have.
  5. Make a point of appreciating each day and the free blessings of life that we take for granted like sunrises, sunsets, the laughter of children, the comfort of a hug, and the wonder of nature. No matter what happens, no one can take these from you.
  6. Remember that money and things are not as important as they seem. Love expressed is remembered forever.Money spent is soon forgotten.
  7. Make a point of doing all you can every day to solve difficult situations and then leave the rest in God's hands. Worrying and being sour do not make things better, in fact they add to your trouble.
  8. Think about treating others the way you would like to be treated!
  9. Being silly is a worthwhile endeavor.Make it your goal to bring smiles and laughter to your family!
  10. Learn to be creative in making memories for your mate and children.
Choose this year to administer good medicine to your mate and children!

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