Thursday, January 12, 2012

Resolve to pursue peace in your home!

Blessed are the peacemakers,for they will be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9
Not only are there wonderful eternal rewards and blessings associated with encouraging and promoting peace, but there are great rewards and blessings here on Earth as well. Marriages are more enjoyable when peace is present.Children are emotionally healthier and more secure when the home is filled with peace. Friendships are are sweeter when peace is present. Churches are more appealing when peace is the greeter at the door. Workplaces are more productive when peace replaces turmoil.It seems that we all want to live in the presence of peace. The problem is that the only person we can control is ourselves, so this year, resolve to be a person of peace!
It seems that a peaceful demeanor has become downplayed in our culture over the past few years. "Reality" television shows that portray women who are self absorbed, childish, materialistic, moody, mean spirited, vulgar, unpredictable,short tempered, and violent have received enormous ratings. Apparently, we have become a society that is greatly entertained by this sort of behavior. Some will argue that there is no harm in watching for entertainment sake, but lately reports have been surfacing that women and especially young women are beginning to see these women and their bad behavior as role models. This is influencing people to adopt these attitudes and actions as a part of their real life. The consequences of this are very painful and harmful.
If we want the benefits of being peacemakers, we must value and pursue a peaceful demeanor that brings calm into the room. The thing that makes this difficult is that as humans our natural tendency is toward self interest and self promotion. These are the two culprits that most often chase peace away and invite in quarreling. I have certainly been involved in my share of fruitless, even ridiculous arguments, but I have resolved to become a person with a peaceful demeanor.
Being a peacemaker does not mean being an emotionless person who is never engaged in any type of conflict. Peacemakers must stand for love, unity, and the principles of Heaven. Sometimes, this will lead to conflict and disagreement with others. The key is to speak the truth in love and not resort to disrespectful, insulting tactics.
Here are a few tips to help in your pursuit of peace:
  1. Start with your mate, children, and friends.
  2. Put the interests of others above your own. This is a great gift to offer others. 
  3. When anger rises, take a minute to think through how to handle it respectfully and lovingly.
  4. Refuse to handle the people around you with rage.
  5. Cancel all permissions you have given yourself to say or do hurtful things to others. There is no justification for this. 
  6. Carefully, say what you need to say in love.
  7. Remember to focus on the value of the people in your life.
  8. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
  9. Try to understand the point of view of the other and look for ways to give them what they need.   
  10. Refuse to pay people back hurt for hurt, rather give blessing.
  11. Unite others never be a divider.
Be a Peacemaker!  
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